Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Herpes simplex

Herpes simplex

What is herpes simplex?
The herpes simplex is infection caused due to herpes virus. It generally affects mouth and genital.  It is common viral infection .oral herpes commonly known as fever blister which occurs around lip margins. Herpes virus affects the nerve root and remain in dominant state for years in nerve sheath.

Types of herpes simplex
  • Herpes simplex type 1 i.e. oral herpes
  • Herpes simplextype2 i.e. genital herpes

Common causes of Disease
People who are infected with herpes simplex virus will remain infected throughout their life .Virus will remain in dormant state in their nerve cells for whole life. Triggering factor will reoccur the herpes simplex symptom like
  • Menstruation
  • Stress
  • Surgery
  • Exposure to sun heat
How is it transmitted? 
Herpes simplex infection spreads from person to person through direct contact.
Spreads through
·         Kissing
·         Sharing utensils, towel, etc.
·         Through sexually activity
·         Through oral sex.
Who are at Risk?

Risk of herpes infection is high among children due to weak immunity. Mother having genital herpes, deliver baby at high risk of herpes simplex.

Risk among adults
·         Person having multiple sex partners
·         Female
·         Person having  sexually transmitted disease
·         Person having a weak immunity


 What are Symptoms and signs?

Sometimes it may be asymptomatic if person in dormant state. Symptoms may appear up to 20 days. Symptoms associated with infection are:
  • Fever
  • Body aches
  • Itching ulcer on genitals
  • Sore blister
  • Pain during urination

·         Tingling, itching on genital is the usual symptoms of women in recurrent herpes.

  What are Complications of herpes simplex?

As virus remain dormant stage throut life and becomes active on exposure to triggering factor ,Online medical consultation concludes many complications which are

  • Urinary retention:    In women it is common problem due to herpes infection especially during pregnancy.
  • Gingivostomatitis:   It causes multiple painful ulcer formation on gums ang mucous membrane of mouth. Children are more prone for oral herpes.
  • herpes whitlow:  Children can develop herpes on fingers
·         Herpetic ocular infection:   it leads to inflammatory condition of eye lids.
·         Herpes Meningitis.   Virus affecting brain, spinal cord leading to herpes meningitis.
·         Herpes Encephalitis.    In extremely serious brain affection it leads to encephalitis.
 Diagnosis, Test & Interpretations
It is generally diagnosed on the basis of physical examination of sore blister. When sore is absent no medical test required.
Online medical advice recommends that herpes simplex can be diagnosed with lab tests, including DNA -- or PCR -- tests and virus cultures. Sympt

What is treatment Recommendations of bronchitis?                         
  1. Lifestyle changes
As infection trigger by stress .mind relaxing technique like meditation is advisable.
    • Regular exercise for physical fitness.
    • Avoid sun exposure.
    • Drink plenty of water.
    • Eat essential vitamin nutritious fruits for building immunity.
  • Choose cotton cloths rather than synthetic material.
  • Apply sunscreen to protect from ultraviolet sunrays.
  • Avoid tight clothing so that air circulation will help to heal ulcer fast.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Avoid tight-fitting clothing, which restricts air circulation and slows healing of the sores.
  • Lukewarm baths may be helpful.
Antiviral drugs are choice for treatments in herpes
·         Acyclovir
·         Famcyclovir
·         Valacyclovir
If fever is predominant then paracetamol
For nerve weakness Antioxidant
  1. Special Care
  • Local application of ice packs may lessen the pain and help reduce recurrences by suppressing the virus.
  • Keep ulcer clean and dry.
  • Should not use talcum powder because it may increase infection.
·         In pregnancy if you have herpes infection talk to doctor to prevent spread of infection to baby.
·         Apply smoothing agent to blister like benzocaine.

 Home remedies- talk to doctor for specific home remedies and preventive measure for further comlications.
  • Olive Oil: it is good moisturizing agent, rich in antioxidant. It gives cooling effect if applied on infected part.
  • Echinacea: Echinacea has anti-viral properties can be used for healing herpes.
  •  Ice Pack:  it is simple home based medicine to relive herpes pain.
  •  Baking Soda: apply baking soda directly painful sore .it will reduce itching of herpes.

  • Tea Tree Oil: apply or gargle with water adding few drops of tea tree oil in it.

To prevent oral herpes 

Avoid kissing to infected person.
Avoid oral sex.
Do not share towels, lip balm to anyone.
Wash your hand after touching to infected sore blister.
To avoid genital herpes
Avoid sex during infected period.
Type of doctor to be visited?
Any qualified doctor
Medical consultant

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